Going to install a new cd drive. Help?

The Mac


Im going to buy a internal slot loading cd burner for my imac g3 on ebay. But was wondering is there any risk installing it and is there some picture or video tutorial out there? thanks!
yes, i was just wondering is there any risk installing it and is there some picture or video tutorial out there?
Sorry I took so long to get back to you but I've been shaped down to Dial-Up speeds.

Here are a few links. Some might have useful info even though they might not address your aim specifically.

I believe the job may be a bit fiddly and please don't proceed until you are 100% confident with what you have learnt about what's involved.

Also, bare in mind that adding an external CD RW drive may be the easiest way forward.

Upgrade an iMac

Visual Installation Guide - 2nd Generation iMac Hard Drive

The Truth About CRTs and Shock Danger

Install a slot-loading DVD drive in the iBook G3

iMac G3 Disassembly Guide Wait for the PDF document to load in the central window.
