grainy lcd on imac 17"


official breaker of macs.
i just came home to visit my parents for the 4th, and i played around with my mom's imac a little.

... the lcd seems rather 'grainy'. it's hard to explain. it makes all the things on the screen look bad-- i'm not sure what's up. it almost makes things look 'pixellated' or something.

is this normal? am i just used to my 17" studio display?

also, it's hard to get a good angle on this lcd. it's always dark on top and light on the bottom. it's pretty obnoxious when i'm trying to do stuff in photoshop... even solid fills look like gradients.

is that normal, too?
I bet the monitor setting is not correct. Those LCD's are great. I use Graphic converter(rather than Photoshop) and I have not had a problem with graphics at all.
What OS is Mom using?

The resolution should be set to 1440x900
colors should be set to millions
And it should be set to iMac - not generic or whatever other choices she has.
she's using OS X, 1440x990, set to millions and set to imac. if i put the gamma darker (pc standard) it helps a little, but not a lot. maybe i'm just picky. perhaps i should head to the apple store and compare.

phatcactus: i'm sorry you feel that way =). i do fine with my studio display.
Most iMacs that I have worked with, have fairly even imaging across the screen. Maybe the backlight is not illuminating the display completely? I think there are at least two separate backlight elements for the 17" This would be fairly expensive to repair in that case. Is the iMac still in warranty? (hope so) Truck it to a Mac store?
Don't get me wrong, I'd kill for a 23" ACD, and I'd love every second of using Photoshop on it, but LCDs are pretty notorious for their color inaccuracy at different angles.

As for the pixelation, I've noticed that the pixels on my sister's 17" iMac are quite large. Maybe it's just an iMac thing.
seems to me as you're using 16bit colors (thousands), be sure to set it to 32bit and log out/back in. try running apple hardware test if this doesn't help

and about gradient-look in ps, I got the same on my 15" iMac, it's angle thing I think, since you're looking the bottom of the screen at a different angle than the top (it's that big :D)