Hard disk permissions


I have two hard drives in my G4/400. I want the second drive to only be shown to admins, or to particular accounts. I changed the permissions in 10.2 so that the disk was owned by ME, group was ADMIN, and others NO READ/WRITE.

Everything worked perfectly, and non-admin accounts just saw a folder with an "X" on it, and were unable to open that drive on their desktop. When I upgraded to 10.2.4 however, a warning message pops up on all non-admin accounts, something like "you have inserted a volume that Mac OS X does not recognize. Click ignore to continue." Clicking ignore, everything runs fine, and the same folder with the "X" appears, and doesn't give access to non-admins.

Does anyone know how to get rid of that warning message? Or why that occurs under 10.2.4? I've tried all sorts of different setting for the permissions on that drive, and nothing works - the same message still appears. The only time it goes away is when I set the group permission to system.

Or, does anyone know of a better way to exclude certain accounts from reading/writing to certain drives? Ideally, that drive won't even show up for certain accounts.

Much thanks!
I'm having the same problem and so is my brother and so is many other mac users and Apple's own BBS is full of Mac users who have this very same problem, here's just 3 of those message:

1. Apple Discussions

2. Apple Discussions

3. Apple Discussions

The problem started with 10.2.4 and you can do a quick fix by making the account your having problems with an admin. But hey, if you ask me, that's not a solution.