Hard Drive Squeak at shutdown or sleep


Brand new 1 Ghz G4. Once in a while when putting the machine to sleep or shutting down the machine will squeak. I am pretty sure it is the hard drive. Anyone with this same experience?

That may be the heads parking on the hard drive. When they are parked the drive is better protected against shocks and less likely to fail if you drop it among other things.

Same thing with my Powerbook :-) Never worried about it, if it wants to make noise, let it make noise, as long as it doesn't break down (touches wood).

What would be the best application to defragment my HD? I should tell you beforehand that I absolutely despise Norton because of the problems it caused. Tip for anybody who hasn't used Norton before: Don't, it slows down your entire computer, changes permissions, and just plainly won't work. At all ...

mine too, but it makes a clicking sound, it never did this under OS9, but under X it happens. Doesn't really bother me, but the HD makes a racket every other moment of the day though.
mine clicks... (rather loudly :-\) but no squeeks here

Norton=bad it killed my friends computer because it didn't work with X (very very picky!)

Drive 10/ Tech Tool Pro 4 = Soul mate for macs
it depends on the type of "squeek" you are referring to.

Before shutdown/sleep, the hard drive will make a noise when it parks itself. But I'm not sure I would characterize that noise as a squeek. My description would be more of a click.

Since it's a new G4, it is probably nothing. But hard drives can die (and on new machines too), and every time one has died on me, it's been preceeded by strange noises.

Might be good to have some sort of data "safety net" for a couple of weeks, just to be on the safe side (other than your normal backups, of course). :D
I don't think the clicks and noises and whatever made here are preslimenary signs of soon to be dead HDs ... If a HD dies it makes a, really, unhealthy noise and then it speeds up and worsens for two weeks. Then most of the time the HDs dies. You can sometimes save the HD for a couple of minutes (10-15) by dropping hitting whatever it, so most of the time in Exell we were able to restore a client's data because we played socces in the store with a dead HD ;)