help! can't see volume to install OS 10.2 onto


I have a 1ghz dual processor only 1 month old, with OS X 10.1.5
I puchased 10.2 and after rebooting onto the Upgrade Disc 1
it doesn't SEE my hard drive to install Jaguar onto?

I've run the repair permissions program twice and though it
fixed some permissions it did not fix this issue?

anyone got a clue?
after running disk utility a few times from both the os x disk that came
with the workstation (10.1.4) and using the jaguar disk to recheck
and running the latest version of norton utilities and speed disk

and disconnecting an external firewire drive that was turned off

i was able to see the internal hard drive and select it as a destination
volume. the upgrade went fine as well as the 10.2.1 update and itunes
3.0.1 update via the software update feature.
