Help! iMac Slot Drive


Awaiting Panther
you may have seen my post in Random/Rumors about my cd drive not accepting cd's right before Jaguar shipped.. I dont have anything in there, and the cd will go in until halfway (where the hole in the cd is)

Are you sure you didn't slip a mini cd in the slot? Those mini cd's do not work in slot loading drives and they do cause problems. :(

First, check the Apple System Profiler. See if the drive is recognized. If it is, then check the cd. It could be warped. Also make sure you are inserting it correctly. You must make sure you are putting it in straight, not at an angle.

Straighten a paperclip and insert it in the emergency hole that is located at the right of the slot. It could be that the drive is stuck in the eject mode. pushing the paperclip in that hold and giving it a slight push, should fix it.
Have ou had work done on the computer lately?

I once brought mine to a mac shop to only have it come back not accpeting cd's except when really forcing them. It turns out the front plate, the area with the "iMac" printed on it, had not been pushed down entirely, some firm pressure on this area will rectify the problem. If the slot aperature of the drive is slighty misshapen, you may have this problem.
I'm trying these things, but they are not working. I checked the support forums at Apple, at it seems that this a major problem, as I found a topic matching my problem and there were over 40 replies, most of them having that problem. Apple has not replied. I will be taking it to the local Apple store though; my 1 year hardware warranty hasn't expired yet.

Did I mention this happened right before Jaguar shipped...probably... ='(
I have a extra slot loading CD-ROM drive laying around if you need a replacement, pay shipping and it's yours.
this happens to my iMac (slot-loading) a lot, unfortunately. I attribute it to the fact that my siblings often forced the CDs in rather than waiting for the motors to do their stuff (an extra 2 seconds, whoopy! :rolleyes:) anyways, I have no solution than to wait it out, it usually works a gain withing a day or two... but then goes on and off every once in a while. (its been working for a while now though, maybe it fixed itself...)

try checking the Apple knowledge base
As much as I hate to say it, Apple's design on the slot-load drives isn't very good. I've had to replace dozens of those drives. Usually it's part of the loading gets out of alignment and/or the frail plastics inside break. I will say this, the DVD drives seem to be more problematic than the cd drives.

Someone mentioned the bezel around the drive causing problems. It will cause the disc's to not eject right if the bottom cover isn't installed properly. It will gracelessly accept them though. A firm lift on the top/center piece right about the drive will pop it back into place, or else take the whole bottom cover off and reinstall it.

My iMac is starting to develop a problem with the dvd drive, but I think it's a failing load/eject motor. Sometimes the discs eject rather slowly. :(
