Help me understand video cards and dual display!


Okay, currently I have two video cards (1 AGP ATI Rage Orion, 1 PCI ATI Rage Orion) going to two monitors for a dual display/ twice the size desktop set up.

I want to get new video cards and I called ATI about their Radeon 8500 and 9000 (soon to be out). I asked the guy if I could use the Radeon 7000 in my PCI slot for my second monitor, but he said - no, the 8500 or 9000 can support two monitors. I thought he meant two monitors showing the same thing, but he said no, these cards will do that, but will also handle two monitors with an extended desktop - that is, not showing the same thing.

Am I correct in understanding that I now only need one card to do exactly what two cards are doing now (one screen with the dock and menu bars and the other for extra space)? Is this what "dual head" video card means?
Yes, 'dual head' implies the ability to display a very wide desktop over two displays with one card. I believe the ATIs you mention do that, and the Geforce4Ti available from Apple definitely does.

Actually you could use a dual head card *and* your PCI card and have three displays, if you want.
Thanks piano - but I still have one more question - does this mean a dual head card will display my dock and menu across 2 monitors? I really don't want that - what I have now I really like and want to keep - one monitor with a dock and menu bar and another monitor with extra space to open apps, windows... If so, I guess I need two cards, but ATI wasn't sure how a dula head card would get along with a PCI card like their Radeon 7000.
no it doesn't show your dock across 2 screens...

right now I have 3 monitors, and only the one that is selected as the main screen will have the dock...
Cool - I didn't think so, but just wanted to check - so are you running 3 monitors with 2 cards? Sounds like fun - I think 2 monitors are almost essential - it makes my Mac so much more useful.
Running both monitors on a AGP dual head card is almost an a necessity. Using a PCI (Radeon or GF#) card to drive the second monitor won't get the same acceleration out of Quartz Extreme that you'll get with the 8500, and the more cost effective 9000 card. I'm planning on yanking my PCI Radeon and AGP Rage128 Pro cards and replacing it them with a single 9000 card once it becomes available.
Thanks GrBear - this answers all my questions. FYI, ATI was not sure their 9000 and 7000 (a radeon PCI card) would work together in a dual or 3, 4... monitor set up. I'm waiting for the 9000 too - it's almost 1/2 the price of the 8500!
Originally posted by karavite I'm waiting for the 9000 too - it's almost 1/2 the price of the 8500!
Yeah - should be a sweet card.. a little slower than the 8500, but I'm more concerned about price (I use my PS2 for gaming, except for Diablo2 :D ).

I should mention, you'll want to take note of what kind of monitors you're going to be hooking up. The 9000 has (1) ADC connector, and (1) DVI connector. The card also comes with one DVI->VGA adapter. So if you have two VGA monitors (like my two 17" Apple Pre-ADC VGA monitors) you'll need an extra $35 ADC->VGA adapter.. Likewise, if you have two ADC monitors, you'll need an $3xx DVI->ADC converter. Something to keep in mind.
Thanks grbear,

Is the 8500 that much faster or "better" than the 9000? If so, why the heck does it have a lower number! :)