Help needed installing Palm Desktop 4.2.1 on Tiger (10.4.5)


Ok, I've downloaded Palm Desktop 4.2.1 (a SIT file) and when I double click it to open it, it tries to run Word. The icon for the file I downloaded does have a "W" in it, along with the other graphics. An expired Word trial is installed on the machine (Mac mini) and after I cancel the opening of Word, nothing happens.

What must I do to get Palm Desktop installed?


Go get yourself StuffIt Expander. It will allow you to decomress the SIT file that you downloaded. Not sure why Palm (or anyone else) uses SIT files anymore, since they should be using disk images or ZIP files, but, whatever. Once you install Expander, you should be able to double-click that file that you downloaded from Palm and get at the files inside of it.