Help! Safari suddenly can't find host but Firefox works


Help! Suddenly, Safari or Webkit or Twitterific cannot load any webpages. It reports that the host can't be found. However, when I go to Google Reader it DOES give me a login page but when I enter in my correct userid and password it then gives me the webpage can't be found.

Firefox, however, works fine.

Fluid does not work.

Here is what I tried:
  • Reinstalled the latest version of Safari.
  • Cleared cache
  • Reset Safari
  • Fixed permissions.
  • Made sure no Input managers are being used (e.g. SIMBL or AdBlock)
Here are changes I made to my system before this problem occurred:
1. Ran latest version of Onyz
2. Fooled around with latest Ubuntu using Virtual Box

Can anyone suggest what I should try next? Please?
You may have already done this, but before you re-installed Safari, did you "uninstall" all of the previous?

Here is something to try--that a Guru may crush me for as "useless!"--but if you create a new account, download/install a new Safari in that account . . . see if it works?

Have you received any messages while surfing the 'net to the tune of "You need to install additional Quicktime codecs in order to view this video"?

If so, did you install said codecs?

If so, you've probably become a victim of the DNSChanger trojan.

If not, ignore all of the above... ;)
To take it serious for a moment I am not being hyperbolic in that I found two Mac people who "swore" they did not download something fishy complaining about their internet connection who had this Mac equivalent of HSV.

I got checked out. . . .

So, Durbow, you may want to do that. Takes only a few minutes . . . "just a little pin prick, . . ."
