Help with NetJuke?


s|hatfield not shat|field
I'm trying to install netjuke, a streaming MP3 server program, on my computer. Installing requires use of a couple PHP forms, and the actual installation is prompted by submitting a form through PHP. My problem is this:

When I submit the information needed to start the installation, Apache (I think, there's no identification on the page) says that "The 'POST' request is too large for the internal work buffer." It then reads out the size of the buffer, and the size of the 'POST' request.

How can I reconfigure the size of the internal work buffer of Apache? I know it's not a problem with the browser I'm using; I used both OmniWeb and Netscape, and both show the exact same error with the exact same file sizes.

Hmmmm.....thats a new one I have not heard of yet. I have been using NetJuke for a while now and never had any problems with installing it. I suspect the problem is either in your Apache or your PHP setup. You have properly enabled PHP in your hostconfig file I assume.

One thing I might suggest though - go to Sourceforge/Netjuke pages and sign up for the Netjuke mailing list. I get the daily digest and it is about 6-10 msgs long. Stephane - the creator of Netjuke is VERY RESPONSIVE to all problems and if he doesn't know the answer he will usually track it down for you in no time.

Hope that helps.