help with privacy between users and other things


Ok, so I *thought* I understood macs. I was wrong. I have a pretty new intel 2 mac, running 10.5.2. Long story short, we're staying at my mothers house until our house is finished being renovated. Since I have the better computer, she agreed to store hers and use mine while we were here. I stupidly thought that having separate users, would be like having separate computers, minus the stuff to make it run. I was quite surprised to see all of my images...every. last. one. was also on her side of the the computer, under "all images" in the side bar. I don't understand why my stuff is showing up on her side. What can I do to change this?

Also, for some reason (this didn't happen on my old mac) it seems as though every image I ever set my eyes on is saved to my mac. I play online poker, 2 months later I find I have the images from every single player I played against saved on my mac. When I do an all images search or just type .jpg in the finder, it's insane the pics that come up that I have never saved to the computer. I am sure this takes up a ton of space, is there something I can do to fix that?

Lastly, lately my computer is starting to ask my admin PW for just about everything I try to do, such as moving a photo to trash, while I am logged in on the admins side. I looked to see what could be causing it, but I don't have any weird restrictions set.. any ideas?

Thanks SO much for your help!

I have been googling and watching tutorials all day and have not found the answers!
Make sure that the second account is not an admin account. All your data should be in /users/you. Anything not in your user folder may be accessible. If you change your account's folder name, you will cause problems.
As for your poker setup, whatever you play it with is probably keeping a cache. You'll need to ignore the cache in spotlight or delete it more frequently.
Try repairing permissions in Disk Utility. (/applications/utilities/disk utility)