hi...is there a restore on OSX like as on Windows XP?


hi all.....whilst cleaning out my wav files that were taking up so much space on my hard drive i inadvertantly sent ALL my itunes music to trash..... in a bid to get them out of trash i opened up a new file, called it music and attempted to drag all the files from trash to this new file. Unfortunately the file didnt grab and i now have about 2800 files ON MY DESKTOP!!!!!
in fact its so many i dont think my computer can cope with it...i cant even get finder to work (although i can open and use safari still very well).
i left it last night, came down this morning and the rainbow cursor was still spinning so it must have been processing something.

this is becoming a bigger probelm as im a dj and use these files for my job, i just wanna get them back into i tunes.

I have been told that on Windows XP you can restore the computer back to a certain date to sort things like this out...is there a way of doing this on OSX???????? if not what can i do to get my baby working again as its the centre piece of my career at the moment

thankyou....from an idiot who shouldnt even be allowed a zx81!!!!!!
I think it is called deja, but I'm not sure if it will help you right now.

The best way I know to move those 2800 files would be to go commandline (terminal) and use the mv (move) command. Be carefull as mv can really screw things up more! It does not ask if you are doing the right thing, it just does it.
Or you can create a new folder on your desktop (right click, but not on one of your music files) called RESTORE MUSIC, or whatever you like.

Then, while still on the desktop/finder, open a new window and click Desktop. Then start grabbing song files and put them the RESTORE MUSIC folder. You'll be able to select multiple files to drag by using the shift key.

Hope that helps!
If you're able to get a Finder window open, select your home folder > Desktop and then switch your Finder window mode into column view. Create a new folder to plop all of your music into and then start moving the files into there. If you're unable to get the Finder to respond, does rebooting help? If not, the Terminal is probably the only thing you can do. If you need more detailed instruction on how to use the Terminal, let us know.
In finder. Go to the "File" pull down menu. Choose "New Finder Window". In that window, choose "Desktop".

All the desktop should appear in there. Choose "list" view. Then sort by "Kind" (click on the word "kind" at the top of the column). All the .wav files should be together. Drag to select and drag the selection to your new folder.
i just wanna get them back into i tunes.
thankyou....from an idiot who shouldnt even be allowed a zx81!!!!!!

couple of possiblities...
If your computer is still functional,
1, Fire up iTunes click on File in the top menu bar, click on Add to Library, then point to Desktop and select the files you want.
2. Get ahold of another Mac and use Firewire Target mode to copy-move the files from your desktop.

When you have this sorted out make some type of backup strategy.

cheers guys.....really having problems opening up finder....the computer is running ridiculously slow in finder........i could do with some help using terminal guys...looks like that might be the way forward...cheers for the help so far