horizontal scan rate and vertical synchronization rate for MacBook 13" monitor


I am running FreeBSD 6.2 in Parallels Desktop on my MacBook, and I need certain information about my monitor in order to configure X11. Several Google searches have made it evident that Apple did not feel the need to publish the monitor specs, so I am hoping that the macosx.com community can help me out. Do any of you know the horizontal scan rate and vertical synchronization rate of the monitor that comes with the MacBook?


and there's another too, but i forgot.

they will give you lots of info..and the power to tweak..
915resolution will give you the 1280x600 you are looking for but you had mentioned before to me that Parallels Desktop does not virtualize the MacBook's Intel GMA 950.

From all the X config files I've seen, they list the following:
HorizSync 28-64
VertRefresh 43-60

If you are deadset on paralells, you do have another option. It'll involve getting your hands dirty a bit :) Basically - set your X server as a virtual one ... (no display). Then configure XDM to answer remote interactive queries (configure the machine to only allow itself to connect; for security). Then you configure X11 for Mac -- and remotely (I use that term lightly) log into the FreeBSD XDM running on the same machine. You can run it full screen, or have it integrated with Mac OS X.