Host Relauncher in 10.2.1

Duncan Idaho

I have been having a problem with 10.2.1. The system will run fine, and all of the sudden just crawl to a halt. I ran cpu monitor, and cpu usage was at 100% with no other programs running. I then ran process viewer and something called "hostrelauncher" was using 99% of the cpu. Anyone know what this program is for, or why this would happen? I have been killing it in the terminal when it occurs, but hoping for a better solution

thanks for any tips.
HostRelauncher, this a component of Timbuktu. I think it checks to see if the state of the Timbuktu service.

Maybe a Timbuktu reinstall will fix this. If you are using 10.2 you should be using Timbuktu 6.02.