how can I increase app memory in OS X?


The application act as if it needs more memory. If I control-click the application icon and choose "get info", it shows under "memory" tab that "suggested size" and "preferred size" text boxes are greater than "minimum size".

But it wouldn't let me change the number in "minimum size" text box to match the suggested size, even though I set up all the permissions to be able to do it.

How can this be done? I know this used to be necessary in OS 9 and earlier. If this is not necessary in OS X, then why does it even display these numbers in the info window? I am not running classic.
No need for in OSX.
OSX does this automatically!
Or in other words it is automatically allocated.
It is very important to have enough physical ram in OSX. At least 512Mb.
If you don't have enough it will constantly need your HD drive for swapping data resulting in a serious slowdown of the system.
If the Get Info window shows memory info for the app, then it's because it's a Classic app, or at least a Carbon app that can open in Classic.

So you may well need to change memory allocation. I have a couple of games that are Carbon apps, they have memory info next to them (though as you say, I can't change it), and the Get Info windows shows a checkbox by it so you can force it to open in Classic.

Meltdown is right though that as long as the app opens in OS X and not Classic, then the memory info shouldn't be necessary