how do i clean a game controller?


Barking at the moon.
So someone was playing my xbox and spilled beer on the controller. It's now dried and gummed up on of the joystick things, how would I go about cleaning this thing out?
xbox eh? oh, thats easy. you put the controller in the over on 450 degrees for 3 hours until all the beer evaporates. you might as well put the xbox in there just to be safe. :D

actually, you could take it apart and clean it with denatured alcohol. that usually works pretty well on computer equipment.
Xbox? Try autoclaving it....if it kills germs in hospitals I'm sure it will kill that M$ may have a nice ball of molten plastic afterwards though. ;)

As much as I want to agree with the oven idea, the alcohol sounds much better. If it can get Coke out of a keyboard, it should have no problem with the beer. We use alcohol at the firehouse to clean the keypads and PTTs on our portable radios all the time with no ill effects and good results.

You could always eBay it and buy a PSII or GameCube too... :cool:
I'll try the toothbrush with denatured alcohol idea(s) and report back, but that seems like it should work. Thanks!

(Xbox isn't that bad, sure it's made by evil-doers but it is pretty sweet IMO)
Originally posted by themacko
(Xbox isn't that bad, sure it's made by evil-doers but it is pretty sweet IMO)

Yeah but - don't you see? It's a trick! They're leading you deeper into the Dark Side! :p :D
Next they'll have you thinking the same thing about their OS and their PCs in general! :eek:

I refuse to buy the XBox, I have a PS2 instead. The main thing I actually DO like about the XBox is that I've seen/heard that you can change a game's soundtrack with MP3s. That impressed the heck out of me! :D

But I love my PS2 and refuse to purchase another M$ product! :p :rolleyes:
:p They said that you have to brush along the sides of the buttons that are sticky, then let the controller dry for a couple of hours. I actually tried this and it worked quite well, with no negative short or long-term effects.

*Is murdered for making a testimonial* :D
I was watching TV (a rare occurance for me) the other night and a thing about the XBox came might have been 60 Minutes II, not sure. Basically they interviewed the guy in charge of the games division and ol` Gates himself...

When asked why they got into the game industry? Bill said because it was bigger than the movie industry, and gave a number around $40 billion/year.

Funny part was they showed him and a few others playing games, etc (he won of course) and it strangely reminded me of that movie Anti-Trust. SCARRY.
Xbox has seen horrible sales and prolly would've lived as long as the Dreamcast had a monopoly not been making it (not only the hardware but advertising as well)
does that mean the gamecube has had horrible sales as well because they've sold about the same amount as the xbox has.