How Do I Use Single-Key Dialog Shortcuts?


OK, that was a pretty lame way to word my question, but I'm not sure what else to call it. Here's the deal, when faced with a dialog window with options like "Don't Save / Cancel / Save", depending on the app, you may or may not be able to just hit the "D" key to approve the Don't Save option. Same for the S and C keys (though Escape is plenty good for Cancel). However, I did notice that Command+D will serve to "Don't Save". I never knew that. Problem is that I don't want to resort to a buried two-key approval. I'm a grown up. I know how to use a computer. I'm tired of Apply dumbing down the OS, apparently in some attempt to placate the nitwits who might accidentally hit the "D" key while saving something. Anyway, this is one that Windows has always done better (if uglier), so I"m wondering if anyone knows of a way/preference/shareware app that will let me work in "Expert" mode to allow single-key approvals/disapprovals in various windows. I can move much faster using the keyboard in certain situations, it would be nice to have a litle more friendlytkeyboard access. I do like how they have progressed in the Finder keyboard shortcuts as well as throughout the OS in general.

BTW--does anyone know where I can get a comprehensive list of OS X.3 keyboard shortcuts?