how easy is it to set up more than one mac to one cable modem using Airport


UC Gundam Freak
im gonna be getting a ti667 soon, and was wondering
if anyone out there has set up more than one mac to
a single cable modem.
I have done it - an iMac and an iBook to the same base station. It is very easy. You need NAT enabled so that they can share the same external IP. Everything should be automatic.

If you don't really need the connection to be wireless, it's a lot less expensive to go with a regular router/firewall. In Canadian dollars, about $150 for a router from LinkSys, plus maybe $40 worth of ethernet cable, vs. $600 for the Airport base station plus about $60 per card, last time I checked.

Typically these boxes will have a four port ethernet switch, plus a basic firewall. The speed you get on the internal network would be about 40-50 times faster than Airport.

Wireless networks also are notorious for bad security - there is a practice of hacking into corporate networks by sitting in a park across the street with a laptop and Airport card...
A cable modem router will help greatly with computer to computer transfers, but you won't see much difference at all downloading from the web. At most, you're getting 3Mbit off the web... an Airport's 11Mbit connection will more than handle that. If you were talking about connecting more than 5 computers to the internet, then I would lean toward the router.

I use a router to connect my PC, an old Performa 6400 and an Airport base station to the internet. Then I connect two iBooks to the web via the Airport. I haven't had a glitch. Downloads are fast, connections are good, and the portability is very nice. I love sitting on my balcony when there's a cool breeze surfing the web.

Turn on NAT on the Airport and you should be fine.
