How to configure Apple iCal to send email with Mozilla Thunderbird


I am using Leopard 10.5 and I would like to use iCal with thunderbird, cos I disable Apple Mail.
How to tell iCal which mail application or client to use?

I believe iCal will use the default mail client whichever that maybe. I used to Eudora and everything automatically linked to it be it from the browser or any other programs that needed to send emails.
Ah yes, I was mistaken, iCal will only send invitations via Don't think you can change it. This was from the iCal Help "If you’ve set up Mac OS X Mail, you can use it to invite people to an iCal event."
In fact iCal use some hidden applescript to send the invitation.

They are located in

Modify the part to achieve your goal:
on send_mail_sbrp(subjectLine, messageText, myrecipient, myrecipientname, invitationPath)

You need to be very careful. Make a copy of the original mail.scpt prior to any modification.

If you know applescript then you will be able to send it from ThunderBird.

This is I think the only way to do it
I tried Editing mail.scpt. All I changed was "Mail" to "Thunderbird", when I save it I got an error expecting a comma. I am on Mac OS 10.5.7.