I can't burn DVDs


I tried to burn a DVD for a first time on my MacBookPro and nothing is happening. I tried to burn CD and it works. I can play a DVD for ex. but I can't write? I used Verbatim DVD-R Advanced Azo +. The problem is when I clic to burn the Toast window shows preparing and after that nothing is happening, like everythings just stops. I have to restart my MBP to eject the DVD. When I put it again, it shows that is empty? Do you have any clue? I used Toast 8 Titanium. Thanks in advance.
Like djackmac said, you may want to verify that your MacBook Pro came with a "Superdrive" -- which is a DVD burner drive.

A lot of portable Macs shipped with "Combo" drives -- "Combo" drives can read and write to CDs, and only read DVDs (not burn them).

I think that all MacBook Pro computers have Superdrives, but it's worth checking into.
Burning DVDs tends to be something of a black art. Not all media work in all drives. If your MBP has a SuperDrive, then try different media.
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Well, I think I find the answer to my question, at roxio forum they are saying: Some Toast 8 and Popcorn 3 users with the new MacBooks and MacBook Pro's said they couldn't get Toast to work with their burners. Apple changed the bus or the kind of drive. Roxio recently released updates for those applications to address this issue but they've said nothing about plans to go back to Toast 7 with any updates. Your version of Toast has reached the end of its life. I get Toast Titanium 10 today and everything go's excellent again. Thanks 2 all.