iBook battery draining during sleep.


A couple weeks ago I had to reinstall my OS because there was a bad kernel somewhere. Now my battery continues to drain when it is sleep. Is there anything I can do to fix this short of buying a new battery?


my system:
iBook, 12", 384 MB, 900Mhz, running OS 10.2.8
It drains about 5 - 10% overnight.

I did a search for previous related topics, but didn't find anything terribly relevant. I'll try again with different parameters.

If it is asleep, that is normal. I got normally (6 ? % -) 10 % less battery power in 24 hours of sleep.
same here. It is normal. Anyway, read about some threads how to raise the battery duration in generel (not during sleep-mode). Tricks such as leave every app opened and do not open and quit too frequently, or max out your ram to have a longer use of your book when it's on battery...
I'll take your word for it that this is supposed to happen, however I don't remember it happening before I did the reinstall.

So your guys batteries drain while it is asleep? Doesn't that take away from the whole point of the sleep?!