iCal + Mail Sending Alerts


I've been doing some searching on the "alert not firing" topic and I just cannot find out what's going on here.

I'm running 10.5.7 along with all of my other software running the latest updates. Recently I changed out a hard drive and reinstalled OSX. Since then I have noticed that my alerts are no longer leaving the Mail outbox. I own/operate an ISP and I'm quite familiar with the SMTP/IMAP/Authentication methods required to send from my "untrusted" networks etc... I'm using my mail servers so relaying is not a problem at all.

This is what I've come up with so far and please speak up if anyone else out there is having the same problems.

Scenario 1: iCal process not running and Mail process not running.
I create an event in iCal, set the alarm (alert sends to email address to deliver to my cell phone). After the event is setup I quit iCal completely. Once the event triggers the alarm, Mail opens and I see the mail placed in the outbox. The mail never sends. This mail will sit in the outbox and NEVER leave.

Scenario 2: Same as above but this time I leave Mail open. Once the event triggers the alarm I see the email in the outbox and it sends just fine.

On my old install I never had to do this to get my alerts to send. Is anyone else experiencing this anomaly? It's quite frustrating because now I need to make sure I leave Mail open in order to receive my alerts.

I rely on my alerts a great deal but now I'm having to second guess or keep checking my schedule to make sure I haven't missed anything. /sigh

Thanks in advance!

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