iMac G3 400MHz not seeing all 512 of RAM


It originally had 64MB RAM, and a it now has 2 sticks of 256, but it is only seeing a total of 320MB, so I don't know what to do. If I need to give any more info on it, let me know. Thanks.
Have you tried swapping the RAM? Try them one at a time and see how much memory is registered with each. Also be sure to test each one on each RAM slot to rule out a faulty RAM slot.
If one of those 256MB sticks is a "high density" RAM stick, then it won't work in the Mac (or at least it will only be able to "see" half of the capacity of the stick).

The place you got the RAM stick from should be able to tell you if the stick is considered "high density" or not.
strange, one of the sticks that was in there already (during my testing) it wont boot up all the way, I get an error of this folder with a question mark, and then the finder icon flashing back and forth. I will try to reinstall OSX which i was going to do anyways, but maybe that is a faulty stick...strange that it, combined with another stick puts it at 320MB
Ok, solved...because I am stupid. The extra stick of "256" (or so I thought) came up as only 64 MB in a dell I have laying around, so I got the sticks mixed up.
The imac originally had a 256 and the 64, I added a stick of 128 from a junk computer, but I thought somewhere along the lines I had 2 256s and 1 tiger cant boot with only 64 apparently...anyways, its figured out, thanks for the help though.