imac too slow to play any video? PLEASE HELP!

The Mac

When I try to watch my videos on vlc it plays way too slow and shows up.

ffmpeg error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)
Also my Quicktime plays just a white screen. Is there any program the plays videos great or decent for my 400MHz powerPC processor that can play AVI, ASF, or either ones?

When I try to watch my videos on vlc it plays way too slow ... Also my Quicktime plays just a white screen. Is there any program the plays videos great or decent for my 400MHz powerPC processor that can play AVI, ASF, or either ones?

Unfortunately you're stuck with an underpowered G3 processor, so video will either play very slowly, jerkily, or not at all (hence that warning message). VLC is probably the least demanding video player.

Low resolution Quicktime movie clips should show reasonably well however, but you probably need the codec called Perian which you can find at - but you'll require OS 10.4.7 or later.
thanks! Is there any way to upgrade my processor?

You can, but it's quite prohibitive in cost with little return on investment for such an old Mac. More information below:

Keep in mind some of the issues mentioned in the second link. It's not as simple or as trouble-free as upgrading a CPU on a stock PC motherboard.

Best thing to do would be to upgrade the RAM as much as you can. You could also try to change out the hard drive, but it might require opening up the iMac which could be a bit dangerous considering the CRT tube and the voltage held by that capacitors for it.
thanks! Is there any way to upgrade my processor?

In addition to the sites mentioned by nixgeek, try this: or or ; all of which mention a G3 daughtercard processor upgrade. That last one also mentions a better video card. It's rather old technology now and I think nixgeek makes a good point about value for money spent.

If you like the all-in-one concept of the G3 iMac, search instead for a G4 eMac, the last model - if you can find one. 1.42 GHz processor, superdrive, the whole nine yards. Now that would be good value for money.
thanks alot! If i buy this on ebay and install it will it be fine. From 400 MHz to 600 MHz, is it a big difference?

Mathematically, it's a 50% increase in speed. A friend owned one of the 'flower power' 600 MHz machines and he had a good run with it.

To be brutally honest with you, it's all about your expectations. People who've graduated to faster and more powerful machines are amazed at what they were missing before upgrading. I went from 300 Mhz to 350 MHz, no big deal - and then to 1.25 GHz! It was staggering. Now that I've seen what a G5 will do, compared with my eMac G4, I'm determined to go up another step as soon as finances allow.

It's not about raw speed so much as consistency, and for that you need to go for a better, faster processor, both CPU and graphics, simple as that.

You could have a lot of fun installing that in your present G3. Do be aware that the USB in this is 1.1, so it will be slower in transfer rates from any external USB devices. All USB all-in-one iMacs were 1.1. USB 2 didn't arrive until the eMac, and that not until mid-April 04.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do.