Install OS 9 a different way...


Artifical Lifeform
OK guys, here's maybe a more strange question. On my Macs, there's only Panther running, and it came with the Classic environment, but not the entire OS 9.

Now, in the company I work for, there is an older iMac G3 with OS 9.2.2 on it. Now my question: Is it somehow possible, to create an entire image of that installation, and put it onto my Mac and then to make it even selectable as start up disk? Or is it somehow possible to bring the image into a virtual machine of Virtual PC?

Thanks for your help guys
You can't make it selectable as a bootable drive nor on the Powerbook or the iMAc G5 -- both are far too new to boot in it.

However -- you could try to have VPC, and in that an old Mac emulator .. those that i have seen run a bit older versions, but I think there would exist softare for that (maybe to start?) so to have an OS X running VPC running some old Mac OS emulator .. still not bootable but depending on what you need to do with OS 9.

If you need OS 9 bootable Mac for something, the easiest and most senseful way would probably get a Mac that boots there, thus a second hand Mac. :)