Installing Jaguar 6C92...


Hi-- I've got a copy of 6C92-- I'd like to install it and give it a test drive, but I don't have an extra hard drive lying around...

Can I install Jaguar onto my current drive without losing data? And can I reinstall 10.1 onto the drive after that without losing my data?

Doing the actual installs is no problem, I just want to do this without having to lose any files on my disk.

If anyone has done this or knows how well (or not well) this works, I'd appreciate the info.

Whenever you do such a large system upgrade it would be very smart to back up ALL important data. There are two kinds of people in the world, people who have lost data and people who will. Even when upgrading to a "stable" public release, people have lost data.

So, I would recommend either getting a second hard drive (as I did) and install 10.2 on it, or back up everything onto a CD-RW, cross your fingers and install 10.2 on the one you have.

Good luck :)

There are two options

a) Upgrade: Install 6c92 over your current OS X install. Provided that there are no install bugs or glitches, and the upgrade goes fine, it should work like any other OS upgrade, and your files should remain intact. However, the main caveat is that you will not be able to upgrade to "Jaguar Final" when it is released in August [or whenever].

b) Install to a new partition or drive. I used FWB hard disk tools under OS 9 to cut a chunk out of my existing free space on my internal drive, and made 2 new partitions out of it. This allowed me to keep all the data that was already on the disk, but create two new "drives" on it. One of these I use to store downloaded programs and files, the other I use as my "experiment" partition, where I can install linux or jaguar betas or whatever. That way, if either of the system partitions get whiped, I still keep my files that i've downloaded intact and safe.

Note, if you use the apple provided disk utils to partition, they will automatically whipe the whole drive and start you fresh. This is another way to "partition" but you should back up your important files somewhere first. Either way you do this, I recommend you start over somehow with multiple partitions, its super handy.

I hope this helps.
Originally posted by martinatkinson

Whenever you do such a large system upgrade it would be very smart to back up ALL important data. There are two kinds of people in the world, people who have lost data and people who will. Even when upgrading to a "stable" public release, people have lost data.

So, I would recommend either getting a second hard drive (as I did) and install 10.2 on it, or back up everything onto a CD-RW, cross your fingers and install 10.2 on the one you have.
A CD-RW?! It takes me about 20 of those suckers!
Actually, it's not that bad. I've already copied mucho megabytes of stuff that I seldom use (and therefore have not changed). Doing a "complete" back-up of my important files only takes about 3 or 4 CD-RWs.
Yeah...CD-RW's don't store much space at all (and also take a good amount of time to burn in 10.1)...but if you don't have an external hard drive that is the second to the best thing to use...of course if you have a SuperDrive I would use a DVD-RAM :)

Oh, and Hector, I just thought of a cool hack for you to try...if you have a freind who runs 10.2...ask them to send you the Extras.rsrc file (located at /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Extras.rsrc) Just replace your existing Extras.rsrc (make a backup copy first) in 10.1 and poof! You've got the new aqua style for 10.2...I am using this until I get approved by Apple and even Carbon apps look nice now :D If you don't have a friend just get ReView and extract the package contents to get Extras.rsrc file.

I would do a search on Google for "wholesale computer hardware"...I found a TON of sites that sell internal hard drives at close to wholesale prices. A friend of mine got an internal 10GB IDE for $20 :)

Let us know what you do!
