Is there a 10.3.9 update update yet?

Nope. And I don't think they'll do that. The update has not been pulled back (which would've happened if Apple thought there was something wrong with it).

What Apple _has_ done is they've re-done the 10.3.9 combo updater (~115 MB) because of a checksum error (you could mount the old one fine by disabling the verification of checksums, though). So if you redownload that, you could use that one, which is recommended anyway.

Also: Most problems are either Safari plugins (just get rid of them first or update them to work with 10.3.9 before updating) or Java problems (which can be solved by reapplying the Security Update 2005-02).

All of the mentioned updates can be downloaded from Apple's Support webpage.
Captain Code said:
I'd like to know what causes the Java to get messed up, but I doubt they'll actually tell us.
From the reports I've read, it would appear to me that the updater is unable to replace certain components during install due to them being in use by any open applications that use Java. The reports that I've seen generally say that the problem has not occurred if all such applications are quit before install. Keep in mind, however, that this is only my analysis from the reports that I have seen, it could be completely wrong. Please don't flame me if so :)
That would make sense. But if that's the case then why don't we need these new Java files if reinstalling an old Java update is sufficient.
hmmm, Good point. Perhaps when you install the old Java update any files the 10.3.9 installer did install are replaced with the ones from the older update? Or perhaps they're even the same version, but when the 10.3.9 installer tried to overwrite the files, it just ends up corrupting them since they are in use, and then the corrupted files are replaced by the older update? Just some thoughts.
Yes, the java update would overwrite whatever 10.3.9 did to mess it up. I think I know why 10.3.9 would be modifying the java files though. In the description it says that it contains previous system updates as well, so it must have included this previous Java update. Except that it didn't work properly when installing it.

So the version of Java installed by 10.3.9 is probably the same as the previous Java updater and that's why it works.
It sounds like the persons experiencing these problems were installing the 10.3.9 update under "unsatisfactory" conditions (like not quitting all applications, which isn't explicity stated but good practice). I think a fix to get a "complete" 10.3.9 update like the people who didn't experience problems is to install Java 1.4.2 update, install the Security update, then re-install the 10.3.9 Combo under more favorable update-installing conditions (a fresh restart and login, no apps running, hard disk in good health).

I'd like to see if the problems persist under those conditions -- I'd also like to know what kind of machines the people who had problems were using, as it may allude to some slight incompatibility or something.
I can ad something here. I was one of the first to update to 10.3.9 on a Powerbook while in a hotel room. I did everything wrong, did not backup first, did not logout and back in and did not fix permissions first. completely sank my PB (17", 1Ghz). Upon returning home (today), I updates a 800Mhz Ibook (no problem), reinstalled my 17"PB and reloaded everything (took most of a day to get all my settings back the way I like them) THIS TIME, the update worked fine (but had my trusty Backup just in case)..but for those curious, I restored the user and Application and Library directory's (I did not restore prefs, just in case). So it had nothing to do with the software I have loaded (since all my computers are the same pretty much). I have yet to update my 2.5Ghz or my other 17" PB. But this time the update has worked fine. But it IS 4 days later.
fryke said:
Btw.: If you're on 10.3.8, I'd just stay there until you've got Tiger.

I'm planning to do that exact thing :D If people aren't gonna get Tiger soon, I'd suggest staying with 10.3.8.
I guess I should have read Apple's docs. They list the reason for the problem.

"The Mac OS X 10.3.9 Update increased the size of certain internal libraries, causing a mismatch between the shared archive of the Java classes and the addresses used by the Java virtual machine."
Safari is so much faster under 10.3.9, anyone not planning on upgrading to Tiger right away would be foolish not to install this new update. IMHO.
Convert said:
Hey, has Apple fixed the update yet?
If they do it will show up in Software Update as OS X 10.3.10. Since the fix is so simple, reapplying the 2005-002 Security Update, and since the majority of users have not been effected by the Java problem, it is doubtful you will ever see OS X 10.3.10.
Captain Code said:
"The Mac OS X 10.3.9 Update increased the size of certain internal libraries, causing a mismatch between the shared archive of the Java classes and the addresses used by the Java virtual machine."
What is curious to me about this explanation is not everyone was effected by the changes. I have five 10.3.9 installations here and Moneydance and NeoOffice/J, both Java applications, work perfectly without reapplying the 2005-002 security update and I have had no problems with any Java applets on web sites either. I'm not arguing with the statement, it sounds perfectly reasonable, but why wasn't the effect universal???