iTMS question


i think i already know the answer, but i'd like a little backup. i have some songs i bought from iTMS, and i'm getting a g5 here in like 2 weeks. can i transfer them without losing credit towards my 3 computer limit? i'm thinking if i take it to the genius bar or something. i'm getting rid of the imac the songs are on so i wouldn't be hurting anyone, but i doubt they let me do it.

while i'm thinking about it, is there a way to "get around" that 3 computer limit? i'm sure that over the course of my life i will switch computers a few more times.
Before you get rid of your old computer, go to the Advanced menu in iTunes and choose "Deauthorize Computer" This will remove that computer from the list of computers allowed to play music purchased from your account so it will not count against the three computer limit.
do i have to somehow authorize the new one then to play said songs or not? i assume not. thanks!
Well, yes actually. The first time you try to play one on the new computer, I believe a dialog will come up asking you to enter your password to authorize the computer to play the music. I suspect there is also a menu option to do this, but as I do not have an unauthorized computer to test it on at the moment, I can't say for sure.
Yup. It's actually pretty easy. I just had to send in my PowerBook for a repair, and when I tried playing my backed up music on my roommates computer, it asked for my iTunes account info: ID and password. Now, this computer is authorized to play this file. It's pretty easy, and I think Apple has this well thought out: and, c'mon, who needs more than 3 computers to play the same song? heheh.

So, yes, you'll be fine. just be sure to de-activate the computer you'll no longer have in your posession.

EDIT: Yes, while in iTunes, under the "Advanced" menu, choose "Deauthorize computer"... easy as 3.14159.
An additional question... say your hard drive crashes and you loose the files you downloaded from apple. Can you redownload without having to rebuy?
I reinstalled OS X on my machine a few weeks ago (clean install) and forgot to deauthorize before I did there any way I can still deauthorize it? I want to get an iBook soon, and between my "new" and "old" iMac (the same computer, just reinstalled OS) and my iBook, there go my 3 computers.
Originally posted by Fahrvergnuugen
An additional question... say your hard drive crashes and you loose the files you downloaded from apple. Can you redownload without having to rebuy?

Good question. To experiment with this, I removed my purchased song from the library and moved it to the trash... I then used the "Check for purchased music" option, but it said that all my purchased music had already been downloaded... so, apparently, if you download it, you better back it up somewhere, soon.