iTunes won't play!

mr. k

Ok, so this morning I wake up and come down to finish up my homework. All my applications are open from last night, I wake the computer up from sleep, open a new safari window and then un-hide iTunes. I press play in iTunes, the HUD shows the song that should play but the timer remains at 0:00. If I change the mode to the thing with the bouncing lines the lines bounce around for about a second, then slowly die down. The same thing happens when I try to listen to streaming radio stations. Yesterday I installed a little preference pane app called synnergy, that could be the cause of my problems , but I doubt it. This is really starting to piss me off, and any help you guys could offer would be great. I have current versions of everything, 10.2.4, 3.01 v67 (don't think that could cause it though) and am up a creek. Thanks in advance.

Hey admins: I can't get the choose file button in attach file to work. I click on it and then in the bottom bar of safari it says display menu sometimes, but no menu gets displayed. What gives? I'm just having bad luck today :b
Have you tried restarting your computer? That has happened to me before with iTunes and I think simply restarting fixed it.

Not sure about your attach file problem .. what version of safari are you using? (oh 0.67 ... i don't have that so someone else will have to check that out for ya)
Thanks for the tip I gotta clear all the stuff I'm doing but then I can try the restart, here is a screenshot of what it looks like. In v64 I can get the attachment to work, it must just be a little bug. Thanks!


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