jar deployment from windows os to mac os x


Hi there,

I developped a java application under windows os and have difficulties to install it on a Mac OS X environnment.

First of all, is there a way to do it without using MRJAppBuilder ?
Second, I tried to create a bundle just like apple says but when a change my bundle into a .app I have an error msg like "The operation didn't work, an error has occured (code 1000))".

Third, I can launch my jar file but my menu isn't placed right on the top of the screen like in other applications.
Before, I have a bar with de name of my main class and a bar with the name of my application if I remember.
The colour of my windows isn't the one I choose while developping. Instead, I have the classic background of mac, white with grey lines.

It's been weeks I try to solve those problems, could please help me ?

Many thanks,

MRJAppBuilder simply makes a wrapper for your JAR archive which contains a settings file. It specifies, among other things, the position of your menu. By default, it is on the application itself, just like on any other platform, though the settings can be changed to put it on the top of the screen for consistency. This settings file also contains the application name as it should appear in the menus, etc.

If you don't fancy using MRJAppBuilder, just grab another program buillt around a JAR, such as LimeWire, and rip its innards out to use the wrapper. You can then edit the settings files manually.

The white with grey lines appearance can be changed by altering the look-and-feel or, alternatively, by extending the classes you want to modify the appearance of. It all depends on how you actually modified their appearance in the Windows version of the app.

Finally, are you able to launch the JAR as a program by double-clicking it?

Oh, and which particular instructions are you following for creating a "bundle"? It may be that you are creating application bundles, which are add-ons for software (easy to get confused).

I haven't done Java in months, so this is all pretty vague to me, but if we get specifics on what instructions you're following it might really help.