Java support


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
I still have no browser with a correct Java support on X. I take as a demonstrator the chat feature of Caramail ( It only operates correctly on Explorer 5... Classic. No other Mac browser is able to manage it correctly. Any Windows browser does it.
Yes, I have Java 1.4.1 and Safari beta 2. And still it starts but doesn't work correctly.
I have the same problem with java. When using a VPN client to access my company's resources, I have to run IE. One of the resources using a java applet. It won't work in OS X but works fine in OS 9.2.2 with that version of IE.

Would that be an iPlanet netlet? My company uses that as a VPN for home access to the company network. Even though it is Java, it absolutely will not run in OS X. But it runs fine in OS 9 using IE.

Same problem, it sounds like, but different site. I have to connect to AgfaWeb1000( The java applet draws a login window. The window usually gets drawn with Internet Explorer, both in OS X and OS 9. But the connection never occurs with OS X. I get various java errors. Some other browsers either don't run the script at all ( no sign in window appears) or they show the same behavior as IE in OS 9.0.