Kernel Panic


I was upgrading an iMac [iMac5,1] from 10.4.8 to 10.4.10 using the Intel update. Upon restart I received this error message (Kernel panic)

panic(cpu 0 caller 0x002e54bc): Unable to find driver for this platform: "PowerMac8,2".

Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
0x0009r444 0x0009ae00 0x00027e48 0x002e54bc 0x002beef4 0x002c004c 0x002c1ec8 0x002c0fdc
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (sv=0x01005280)
PC=0x00000000; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0X00000000; LR=0X00000000; XCP=0X00000000 (Unknown)

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 22:00:38 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_PPC

No debugger configured - dumping debug information
Latest stack backtrace for CPU 0:
0x0009r444 0x0009ae00 0x00027e48 0x002e54bc 0x002beef4 0x002c004c 0x002c1ec8 0x002c0fdc
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (sv=0x01005280)
PC=0x00000000; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0X00000000; LR=0X00000000; XCP=0X00000000 (Unknown)

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.3: Wed Oct 18 22:00:38 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.15.4.obj~4/RELEASE_PPC
panic: We are hanging here...

You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power
button for several seconds, or Press the Restart button.

The Mac does not have a (functioning) DVD/Combo drive so it uses an external. I cannot boot to it. (CMD+OPT+SHIFT+DEL+#)

I used the Firewire transfer ("T" during boot) to "Zero" the drive; obviously running the OSX DVD from the other Mac won't let me install it to the "Target Disk" drive.

I think I need to translate the above log, to determine what it is that I'm not doing correctly.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Well right off the most glaring issue would be that any G5 Mac cannot run an Intel version of OS X.
Try using the PPC version of 10.4.10 update, you might have better luck.

Like jbarley said, you downloaded the wrong updater. The one you need for your iMac (which looks to be a PowerPC based iMac from your log) is the PowerPC updater. Updating from Software Update should have avoided this error, but I know how some people tend to be wary of updating their Macs through Software Update.

You might have to do an Archive and Install installation from your Mac OS X installation discs and then reupdate using the proper updater.

The following is the 10.4.10 Combo Updater which will update you from any previous version of Tiger all the way up to 10.4.10:
Thank you; but I don't know how to get the mac to read the Installation DVD :S

I have an external firewire DVD+/-RW drive that it appears to recognise for a moment or two when i hold the key combo
CMD+OPT+SHIFT+DEL but it won't launch the installer
When you turn on your computer, hold down option and then it will give you a list of start up discs and choose the OS X installer.
Or, try a restart with the install DVD inserted and holding the "C" down,
this should boot the DVD.

Ok here is my problem, appreciate ur help.

I tried to install OS Leopard on my emac, apparently it was a dumb thing to try. whenever i try to startup my emac i get the exact kernel message that mister hdavis copied here previously in 2006!

I own a macbook and have a couple of installation cds in my drawer, i had the impression that the 2 OSX installation Cds (cd1 and cd 2) came with my Emac and what i have to do now is re-install and everything should go back to normal.

After searching on the net i concluded and done the following:
1. pressed c on restart after inserting cd1 then got a screen with apple logo then it took me to a screen with the kernel message.

i read a few comments on the net and some people said the cd might be scratched or something which it is slightly.

If thats the problem what CD should i purchase and was i doing the right procedure to revive my emac?

Does the emac comes with 2 installation grey osx cds or a black cd as some people say on the net its a black cd that i do not find or have?

I hope the above doesnt sound blurr, thanks for your reply.

I have also tried to do the following during this process:

1. i have inserted theinstallation cd 1 and pressed alt while startup, then i got 2 arrows, pressed the left one so it showed the cd1 icon then pressed the right one that took me to a screen showing the apple logo then it showed the same kernel message.

2. i have pressed cmnd+alt+o+f and pressed cmnd+alt+shift+del and then typed mac-boot and tried it another time and typed reset-nvram then reset-all.

hope this infos help.

Yeah, the fact that you used a MacBook system disc on a PowerPC eMac is a big problem. Aside from the fact that most system discs that ship with a Mac can only work with that particular model of Mac, the Leopard disc that came with your MacBook does not have the support for PowerPC Macs included in it (and why would it, since MacBooks have always been Intel-based).

What you can do is perform an Archive and Install using the discs that shipped with the eMac. That should get you up and running again with a usable Mac. The trick is to hold down the C key the moment you hear the startup chime and keep it held down until you see that the eMac has booted from the disc. If you don't do it when the startup chime plays, you'll miss the opportunity and will have to restart the Mac.

The only way for you to go to Leopard is to purchase the retail version available from Apple and its resellers. Of course, this is assuming that your eMac meets the system requirements of having at least an 867 MHz G4 processor and a DVD drive.