Keynote: how do i add background music for all show?


Chmod 760
Staff member
How do I add a background music to keynote so that it'll last as the same music from the 1st slide to the last one? I can't figure it out quickly, and I refuse to drop it to every slide ... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Giaguara
How do I add a background music to keynote so that it'll last as the same music from the 1st slide to the last one? I can't figure it out quickly, and I refuse to drop it to every slide ... :rolleyes:

My take on this is that actually you cannot do this with Keynote :(

Maybe in Keynote 2? :rolleyes: :o
annoying ... 15 minutes with keynote and ...

- i want to "select all images" to align all the images center and middle - not possible?

- background music, looped and running indipendently thru the show, not depending on the rhythm / speed of the slides. not possible?
perhaps what you want is to play something outside of Keynote? A standalone mp3 in iTunes?

Perhaps you're looking for something crazy high end, like Macromedia Director? Sorry I'm not much use, haven't gotten to play with keynote yet.
no, i want to do a simple quicktime presentation ... a very simple one, and want to learn to use keynote. i know i could do something faster in flash, but i want to learn to use the keynote...
I guess you can add a quicktime movie, right? If you select an mp3 instead of a movie and set it to play automatically, I think it should work :)
Using Audio as a Soundtrack
To have a sound file play throughout your presentation:
Locate the file using the Media Browser and click the Audio tab.
Hilite the file’s location (iTunes, Garage Band, etc.), and then
select the song.
Open the Inspector, and select the Document
Inspector tab. Drag sound file into the Soundtrack window.
Sound can play once or loop. Adjust volume in Keynote if needed.
hahaha, yeah I would hope not as well. Just thought I would post that up here, as it was what came up first on a google search of the subject. Hopefully saves a few other people some time. :P
Oh yes, I had been waiting for 7 years for a fix for that (and still keep using KN 1 :p) :)

I guess it's good to have the workaround or solution that works with the current up to date versions of KN be added here though, if the thread is something that keeps being googled for it. Thanks gluegurilla, and welcome to :)