LACIE cd burner


i have an external cd burner: Lacie, don't know which one but it has usb connection. it's connected to my G3 i-mac, os x 10.3.9
it seems to read audio cd's but not to write. i am using cd-R and everything is connected. i'm using i-tunes version 6.0.2
2000-2006. my other cd burner -iomega-works only sometimes. any idea why my Lacie doesn't write cd's? and also, is my operating system too high for my old i-mac? it does seem to be so slow eventhough i have broadband.
What exactly is happening? Any error messages? Does it eject the disk without writing? Does it act like it's writing but really isn't writing?

Please elaborate greatly so we can help you...
it starts off as if it's writing: checking playlist, then 'Preparing Disc...' this takes a long time, and then it says 'burning disc... finishing', but it will be saying that for as long as i leave it on. then when i try to cancell it, it's just impossible: again it acts as if it's cancellingm but it just stays like that. it won't allow me to force-quit i-tunes...and as i said, the internet connection is SO slow. but i'm not sure if it's another problem or it's because of the incompatibility of the operating system with my i-mac.
thanks for your reply, hope you can help..
it may be.
check to make sure all your drivers are up to date. you can goto Lacies website and get latest drivers for your drive.
this is just the first thing I would check.
also do not be onthe web or doing anything else when your burning. this realy slows it down and may cause glitches.