Live editable paths in title bar


Hey all

Ok I have used the below terminal command to display the the full path in the title Bar

defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES


killall Finder

But what I want to do now is be able to edit this path in the title bar to navigate.

Is there a way to do this??

Sadly, no - it simply doesn't work that way. However, you can just type cd(space bar) and drag a folder into Terminal to change instantly into that folder. There are a few other neat tricks you can do if you know how (once you've mastered tab-button autocomplete and relative folder addresses you'll be flying along).

Now thats cool if we want to navigate with in the Terminal, but to do this you would need to be in that directory in GUI, however we are looking for a throw back to SGI Irix this was a standard in this OS.

I was thinking about the "Go To Folder" this would be cool but when you bring it up it does not update with the current directory.

So two questions

1. can the "Go To Folder" be made to carry the pwd when opened

2. can the "Go To Folder" be made a floating palette that always reflects the pwd of the foremost Finder window.

1. Doesn't seem so.
2. Probably not, but you know what, an applescript application shouldn't be too hard to devise to accomplish this task (with a single palette nib updated the way you suggest).

Also, you should post that code segment of yours in HOW-TO (start a new thread) I love it, came across it by accident. I'm creating an Automator action for it now as well to beef up that forum a bit.
Try command-clicking the title in the title bar. That reveals the enclosing folders as a drop down menu, and to move to one of them you just choose it.