Loss of internet through Ethernet- works in 9, but not X


So, I was sitting here, with my PowerBook G4 plugged into the college's T1 line... happily surfing away... and all of a sudden it stopped working.

I have lost the internet in OS X. Whenever I try to go to a web page, it quickly replies that the "server could not be found"... IE, AIM, ICQ.... I have no access to the internet.... Everything is configured the way it was before, through the Ethernet, using DHCP...I've tried restarting, reconfiguring, but it refuses to connect to anything on the internet... but here's the catch- the same configuration works just fine in OS 9!

Help! Is there a preference file in X to delete to make my ethernet work again? ANYTHING?!? HELP!
You may be a victim of the no-DHCP bug. Do you get a valid IP address in System Preferences > Network? If not, switch to Configure Manually and hit Save, then go back to Using DHCP and hit Save again.
And now my internet doesn't work again. I even tried resetting it again, but it doesn't work. This seems to be random. Why has OS X been so reliable for the past year, and is now all of sudden so flaky? What's going on, exactly?
If you have a modem with your T1 line, here's another "trick" to try: Shut down your computer, and then unplug the power cord on your modem. Wait a minute or two. Plug the modem power cord back in. Wait until all status lights are on, then restart your computer.
I have had to do this with my cable modem about 3 times over the past year and a half.
is it possible that it is the T1 line, or more precisely the servers(?) that run it. While about half of my dsl problems can be solved by refreshing the modem ( i just turn mine off for about a min ) the other half are on my providers end and there is no ryhme or reason to them. some last a few minutes, some for hours.
There is no modem, just a direct cable running from the mac to the wall.... and yeah, I suppose it could just be the server for the dorms.... but it didn't do this last semester...

oh well, it's working at the moment, go fig. I suppose I won't trouble you people any longer. Thanks.