mac and pc file transfer (SMB)


Mac Metal Head
Any reason why large files transfer so SLOWWWWWWWLY from my PC to my mac? It's taking 10 minutes for 250mb files, usually between PC's it takes less than that for over a gig of data.

Is this normal or do i need to inspect my network?
Definitely check your network. Samba transfer works pretty fine here (about 8mb/sec using 100mbit which would make about 30secs for 250mb). For testing it is always useful to try ftp and see, if something is wrong with the protocol or the wires. Btw, how is your network organized? Also add the os versions you are using
I am running panther on my iBook and XP on my PC. Network is as such

DSL Modem - > router - > hub. both mac and PC are on the hub.
It works fine here too.
I don't suppose you have Airport or anything? Also check the Ethernet cable you're using. There might be something wrong with it.