.mac idisk storage dump


I'm pretty sure that everyone agrees that within 5 years Apple will bump up idisk and .mac storage limits... however, couldn't they simply add a storage dump feature now... Example... Claude Smith wants to send me a 50MB file to my .mac account. I tell Claude that I can only except 15MB... but if I click on my .mac email/storage dump feature any attachment over my balance will be dumped into my idisk automatically. So, within idisk I would have a folder called .mac email attachment overflow or whatever. So, then I could go there and get my dumped attachment. Could this work... how hard would it to be to automatically rip off the attachment from a file, before opening it...would this create and kind of security issues? If that wouldn't work what about a 48 hour (re)[su)ppository :rolleyes: where I could go over my limit up to 500MB for a total of 48-72 hours per month. So, that way I have a 15mb email limit but once in a while I could recieve huge files as long as I took them off quickly. I think that If we can get a 25 to 50MB email allotment with the storage dump feature to and idisk of say 500MB to 1G I would be elated.
This could probably be done. However, you can also make your iDisk Public folder accessible to Mac and WinXP/2000 users already. Instead of emailing the file to you, just have your buddy upload it to your iDisk directly.
The 48-hour limit would be questionable. What if people complain that they couldn't get to it in the allotted time and lost what was there (and people are stupid enough to do that).
If you really want something like that, give out a password and let the other person access your iDisk public folder. They can download whatever they need (or upload from there or your sharing folder). Then you can simply go into your public folder and get what you need when you need it and dispose of it when you want it.
And you can do all of that in .Mac already. And if security is a concern, you could change the public folder password as many times as you need to.
And for safety, accessing another person's public folder on iDisk means you can only access that, you can't even peek into another folder much less modify it in anyway.

Now I do wish .Mac would free up some space. Maybe if the rumoured change, we will. But as far as accessibility, the current way is much better, safer and easier than your proposal.
Good idea, Brian. You beat me to it by minutes. I guess I went on too long. Great minds think alike, eh? Us too. :D
Yes indeed. :D

I sometimes imagine some of us regulars bouncing in our seats going "oo! oo! I know this one!!"
Ok, the problem with this is that I may recieve twenty files with attachements. I have given about 200 companies access to the idisk. Now I have 200 files in my idisk. With the dump feature I would open my email and would tell me has been dumped and scanned and this is the link to it, so I know who sent it, when, where how? .Mac's great spam buster feature also can work hand in hand here. If I only have 15MB and all these people send me emails or spam then my email fills up and the email is rejected... with the dump feature it can dump it to the idisk without giving out the idisk info to everyone. Then it would either dump to possible trash dump on idisk or to normal dump on idisk.

If I was going to get a 250mb movie file this 48 hour feature would be great for me. Since I don't want to pay another 20 bucks for more storage from Apple, Heck they could email me a CD for a buck. This way if I knew a file was coming I would check the maunual, temporary time limited storage feature and once the file is sent apple would start the clock running... if I pulled the file off their server within an hour I would still have 47 more hours left to use the service. If I forget or something every 12 hours I get a notice from Apple, saying please download. If for somereason I am not able to get to it in 48 hours I can click on the delete file notify sender if file was not retrieved in 24 hour feature. Then they can try again. I can also have it delete file if I get down to a certain amount of time that I specify. The file is automatically deleted if you don't get it within 2 hours of your time limit, this way you still have the ability to get it later without loosing it for the months limit.
Still sounds too complicated. If you're sending and getting stuff from so many companies, you'd be better off hosting your own website and dealing with it there without space or time restrictions.
That or buy more iDisk space. :p
If I call up joe and say hey email me this file he can do it... since he already knows my email... if I ask joe to email me and then upload the file to my idisk it will take more steps. First off joe doesn't even know what idisk is and then I have to tell him about it then he thinks he has to download I disk for windows. Then I have to give him my idisk info and such. That's like saying when is driving a car not simple. Tell that to a 92 year old blind hermit.