Mac mini vs. cheap Dell PC

It is indeed a very good article. Only one question, with no keyboard mouse or screen where is the saving unless you have a decent kit on an old machine anyway. By the time you have factored this all in, assuming you want Apple kit where is the Mini Mac better value than the iMac bearing mind the latter is G5 powered ?
I agree, but using the all Mac model the smallest available studio Display is 20" which would make a Mini Mac setup larger than a G5 iMac.

I think the Mini is great to get PC users who already have a decent screen to switch to Mac.
Tommo said: question, with no keyboard mouse or screen where is the saving unless you have a decent kit on an old machine anyway.

That is precisely the point of the miniMac: for all those consumers who already own the requisite peripherals and don't want to be forced to buy them all over again as part of the purchase price (or who may just prefer to buy specialized third party devices). That would include the millions now using PCs who might consider switching to Mac, as well as those users of older Power Macs who would upgrade, given a reasonable cost.
i agree, the product is aimed at those who already have a system setup, but want a better computer. I think that there is an extra cost savings that isnt being taken into account also: viruses, cleaning, firewalls, protection software, and reformatting- all these lead up to a Time savings. As of now, Mac's dont have too much to worry about (not absent, just reduced) as far as viruses. PC users dont realize how much time and money they waste on this issue till they can step back and see it from another perspective (ours). ha!