Mac OS X 10.4.11 (8S165)
Kernel Version: Darwin 8.11.0
am new ish to macs and do i have a weird combo powerbook because so much stuff doesn't work on mine. like i can not get syncmaster 213t monitor optimised and so much other stuff no work. i guess i just need to learn more about what i am working on eh but do you have any quick suggestions for me? i just want it to work you know so that I can work you know?! githa in orange county california
Kernel Version: Darwin 8.11.0
am new ish to macs and do i have a weird combo powerbook because so much stuff doesn't work on mine. like i can not get syncmaster 213t monitor optimised and so much other stuff no work. i guess i just need to learn more about what i am working on eh but do you have any quick suggestions for me? i just want it to work you know so that I can work you know?! githa in orange county california