Mac Pro does not sleep


For some reason my Mac Pro stopped sleeping. The only way it will sleep is if I push the power button. Any suggestions from what's in the activity monitor?

0 kernel_task root 0.90 57 257.63 MB
1 launchd root 0.00 3 560.00 KB
21 dynamic_pager root 0.00 1 196.00 KB
25 kextd root 0.00 2 4.90 MB
30 KernelEventAgent root 0.00 2 552.00 KB
31 mDNSResponder root 0.00 2 1.04 MB
32 netinfod root 0.00 1 580.00 KB
33 syslogd root 0.00 1 464.00 KB
35 configd root 0.00 3 1.86 MB
36 coreaudiod root 0.00 1 2.53 MB
37 diskarbitrationd root 0.00 1 1.18 MB
38 memberd root 0.00 3 684.00 KB
40 securityd root 0.00 1 1.91 MB
41 notifyd root 0.00 2 488.00 KB
44 DirectoryService root 0.00 4 2.54 MB
47 distnoted root 0.00 1 932.00 KB
48 update root 0.20 1 252.00 KB
55 WindowServer windowserver 1.20 5 57.48 MB
56 coreservicesd root 0.00 3 27.55 MB
76 blued root 0.00 1 1.54 MB
82 ATSServer iHome 0.00 2 13.81 MB
83 loginwindow iHome 0.00 4 6.58 MB
104 crashreporterd root 0.00 1 220.00 KB
136 llipd root 0.00 1 236.00 KB
147 hpusbmond root 0.00 1 852.00 KB
161 hpdot4d root 0.50 3 780.00 KB
171 nfsiod root 0.00 5 200.00 KB
189 rpc.lockd root 0.00 1 212.00 KB
194 automount root 0.00 5 1.23 MB
196 mds root 0.00 8 12.18 MB
199 HPIO Trap Monito root 0.20 4 1.73 MB
211 ntpd root 0.00 1 432.00 KB
222 automount root 0.00 3 976.00 KB
226 pvsnatd root 0.00 3 1.09 MB
239 cupsd root 0.00 2 1.43 MB
343 pbs iHome 0.00 2 1.58 MB
347 launchd iHome 0.00 1 416.00 KB
351 LMILaunchAgentFi iHome 0.00 1 1.53 MB
360 SystemUIServer iHome 0.00 3 11.91 MB
361 Finder iHome 0.00 8 35.38 MB
364 iTunes Helper iHome 0.00 2 1.79 MB
366 UniversalAccessApp iHome 0.20 1 2.92 MB
367 usbmuxd nobody 0.00 2 480.00 KB
374 iCalAlarmScheduler iHome 0.00 1 2.66 MB
375 Logitech Control Center Daemon iHome 0.00 3 5.57 MB
376 HP Event Handler iHome 0.10 4 3.33 MB
383 System Events iHome 0.00 1 2.77 MB
397 AppleSpell iHome 0.00 1 2.12 MB
1245 hdiejectd root 0.00 1 1.14 MB
1269 diskimages-helpe iHome 0.00 4 3.36 MB
2002 diskimages-helpe iHome 0.00 5 6.38 MB
2003 DiskImages UI Agent iHome 0.00 2 5.23 MB
2211 Dock iHome 0.00 2 8.68 MB
2476 Calculator DashboardClient iHome 0.00 3 6.93 MB
2477 Calendar DashboardClient iHome 0.00 3 6.01 MB
2478 Stocks DashboardClient iHome 0.00 4 9.82 MB
2479 Dictionary DashboardClient iHome 0.00 3 6.37 MB
2480 Unit Converter DashboardClient iHome 0.00 3 7.89 MB
2481 Weather DashboardClient iHome 0.00 4 8.83 MB
2482 Translation DashboardClient iHome 0.00 3 8.66 MB
2841 nmbd root 0.00 1 1.30 MB
3844 lookupd root 0.00 2 1.33 MB
3877 Activity Monitor iHome 2.40 2 16.29 MB
3878 pmTool root 0.80 1 1.20 MB
3899 mdimport iHome 0.00 4 4.68 MB
3902 Safari iHome 0.00 6 70.37 MB
Well try to reset the Pram holding down the buttons for 2 to 3 bong sounds. This might help.

Plus check out what OS X is yelling at you by looking at /Applications/Utilities/Console. It might help you trouble shoot the problem.
Resetting PRAM (holding apple+option+P+R till i hear three apple chimes)
Resetting power management (holding power button untill I hear a long beep)
Checked my energy saver settings in about this mac and they both say 15min
I've tried shutting down all programs except for finder and dashboard
The hard drives and my monitors turn off and thats about it
The only thing i see in system.log is

Sep 17 03:15:04 xs-computer cp: error processing extended attributes: Operation not permitted
Do you have ANY USB devices (excluding USB keyboard/mouse) connected? There have be third party USB devices that have cause Macs not to sleep before.
Did you try it without the printer connected yet? I ask because we need to exclude that to try to trouble shoot the problem.
With everything but the keyboard and mouse? With ONLY keyboard and mouse?
Please turn off also bluetooth when it is not in use - it might be calling for the USB if it finds any activity around.
Is Energy Saver 'wake for administrator access' unchecked?
Following on from Giaguara, is the 'Put the hard disc(s) to sleep when possible' in System Preferences/Energy Saver unchecked?
I've been using the Mac with only the Keyboard and mouse connected
Bluetooth has been off
Put hard Disks to sleep is checked
Wake for ethernet net admin access is unchecked
Put the systme to go to sleep in 5 minutes of inactivity from sys. prefs, and then wait.
If it doesn't go to sleep, what is showing in the console / system logs for the time it was supposed to fall asleep? There will HAVE to be more than 1 line of text, more than 1 line of entry.
Unchecking Hard Disk did not work and

Oct 7 03:15:04 xs-computer cp: error processing extended attributes: Operation not permitted

Was the only thing logged under the system.log file.
The Mac was supposed to sleep at 7:49am Oct 7
BTW the only reason I want to fix this issue so badly is because my electric bill got so high from this damn Mac (no offense to the other Mac's or Mac users)
OK before contacting a repair facility like AppleCare (if it is still under warranty) or a local AppleSpecialists then try these steps to get what you want.

1. Quit all running programs.
2. Go to the folder /YourHardDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Preferences/ and delete the file . Then restart.
3. Go back in System Preferences->Enery Saver and reset your sleep times.

If this doesn't work then go to System Preferences->Accounts and make a new test account and make it an Administrator account. Boot into that account and test the timed Sleep function for a couple of hours. We want to see if it is software, hardware or system operating system problems.

Lastly before contacting a repair facility try to download the latest 10.5.5 combo or your current OS X combo and run it. It will take a while so go have some coffee and don't panic because it will reboot twice so be patient.

As a last resort after all this is take it in to a repair facility because it is most likely a hardware issue.

Note: Please answer if you can manually sleep your Mac as to timed sleep.
Sadly, none of the above worked. The unit is not under warranty and I have tiger not leopard. If you dont have anymore suggestions, I will take my unit back to the apple store