Mac users immune to latest bug... yawn...


tail-wagging member
  Well, we've all heard it before, a security hole that only windows users need to bother about. Check out This thread in the Windoze forum. To demonstrate a security hole in the intergration of IE into windows, an over-zealous PC supporter, and user, has their identity 'borrowed'.

  Oh dear M$.

Bernie :o)
look, I know some very nice people at this very nice facility that have a very nice jacket (sleeves are a bit long) that they'll let you borrow if you stay with them... they can help you, really :D :D
I rarely go to windows section... and I don't really care... I do use windows at school labs every now and then, but not at home..

but since my windows "friends" are basically...clueless about most stuffs... I need to tell them what's going on and how to get fix, etc...every now and then...

what's this bug and is there a patch, etc around yet? how new is this hole anyway?

maybe an url on this stuff?
  To release details would be unethical I think, but it's not really dangerous. It can only be used for gimmicky things like posting on as another user, and requires a hotmail account accessed in a certain way. No danger of credit card details leaking out of .NET accounts, or file access on the user's computer or anything serious. It's fixed in XP, but upgrading to XP is a horrible, horrible price to pay for a bug fix!

Bernie :o)
well, I was sort of looking for quick-fix, so I can just throw a file at them and be done with the problem.

anyway, I did a few search and probably found the stuff you were talking about... and... haha... I dunno why, but most of my friends use hotmail.

in any case... if the only firx is "upgrading" to XP, then I wouldn't bring up the security hole to my friends... I think that would just bring more problems my way... and I haven't played with XP yet... and...their tv ads don't bring me any desire to do so either...