MacOS Server Forum?


Is there anyone else managing MacOS X Server or services running on OS X? I just recently moved all of my domains to my G4 and I will soon be responsible for around 10 more servers. I think something like this would be very useful for current administrators and those thinking about switching to OS X on the backend.

Thoughts, anyone?
Yes. Sounds good. A forum of that nature would be of interest to me. Topics of this nature have fallen into the Darwin forum as a catch-all, but I would be interested in a separate dedicated forum for server issues.
Yes, good idea!

But I only run OSX client as a server (Web and file)... can this count for a question or two?
The Mac OS X client offers a compelling server platform as well, providing you don't mind getting your hands "dirty" in the command line interface. The major benefit of the server version of OS X is the GUI administration utilitities. The two OSes are very similar apart from that.

I'm running a web, ftp, & mail server off of the client version of Mac OS X. I plan to add an IRC server soon amongst other things. I don't find the client version limiting, since I don't mind getting into the back end of things via the CLI. The Server version is mainly for quick & easy GUI administration.