Mail being strange


Is anyone else having trouble with Mail since the latest update? Some html mail just displays html code, I get frequent crashes and attachments stop working.
Go to home>Library>Preferences and trash the Empty the trash, then start Mail.
Is this just Mail weirdness or is there other weirdness on your mac?

Either way, you might want to try repairing the permissions on your disk. That could well dispel the freakery you've encountered...

You don't have to use your boot disk to check / repair your disk permissions .. assuming you didn't already know!..
Tried trashing prefs & repairing permissions, but it happened again just now. Using Entourage for now.........yuk.
I have continual problems with Mail if I've got certain fonts activated through Extensis Suitcase.

You notice this when the certain emails become garbled.

Safari also goes the same way...