Mail Irregularities and Deletions


Mail is acting oddly. When I delete a message, Mail deletes not only the selected message, but the unselected message or messages above the queue. Is there a set of plists that I can safely delete or some other safe option to restore the Mail program to function normally? I have an eMac. Any advice is appreciated. Sparrowhawk.
An additional curious behavior of Mail is clicking on a message. Sometimes, not consistently, the message appears as a new window, not just in the regular display for messages.
An additional curious behavior of Mail is clicking on a message. Sometimes, not consistently, the message appears as a new window, not just in the regular display for messages.

This happens normally when you double click. Maybe the mouse is sometimes causing double clicks.

Good luck, Kees
Hi Kees,
This was my thought as well, i.e., a defective mouse. Apple is now sending a new rodent to me. However, if anyone has alternative ideas, I'd be happy to hear them. Thank you all. Sparrowhawk