Mail Rules


I'm having a problm with junk mail - I have set a rule up that looks in message content for all of "Investor" "Alert" "Breaking" to stop a flood of spam over the past few weeks relating to stock trading oppotunities. However, the rule doesn't seem to be having any effect. Aren't rules automatically enforced when a piece of mail comes in? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
The problem with those “investor alerts” is that any “meat” you could trigger on is in the image.

I’ve yet to find anything in those I can reliably set a rule for. The guys are clever.

Just mark them as junk and maybe the training will catch up to some of them.
Just place the Mail junk mail filter in training mode for a couple of weeks. Manually identify wrongly flagged and unflagged messages. When you are satisfied that it is catching SPAM with a minimum of false positives, take it out of training mode.
Thanks all. I hadn't noticed that the wording was all iin an image. Grin and bear it. I'll give spamsieve a try