Mailing Multiple photos from iphoto


I can not mail more than one photo from iphoto since I installed leopard. I get the following error message: invalid index id 8128560 any ideas? Thanks John
There is no option to rebuild. All I get is: library not found and create new library. Tried that and everything was erased, but I was able to import everything back from my pictures folder. John
Holding down command and option while launching iPhoto did not bring up the "rebuild" dialog?

What version of iPhoto are you using?
I just get a dialogue that says: your iphoto library could not be found, do you want to find the iphoto library or build a new one. After both of those options, it still can not find the library. John
In that case, you should select "find iPhoto library", then navigate to ~/Pictures/iPhoto Library. iPhoto should then open with your library.

After this, quit iPhoto, then launch it with the aforementioned keys pressed to rebuild the library.
I already tried that and the same option comes up. It's like running in circles. i just need to upgrade probably. Thanks for all of your trouble. John