MicroMat Drive 10 (1.0.4) -- makers of TechTool Pro


Senior Member & Tech Guru
I thought I'd give those loyal Micromat customers a head's up. Micromat (http://www.micromat.com/) is going to release version 1.0.4 of their Drive 10 OS X Disk Utility software on Friday (or Monday, TBA) to upgrade the existing Drive 10 (currently at 1.0.3). Stay tuned...
Thanks GL!! Looking forward to this one. There is half a chance it will have optimization on it (only half rumor - i got it from rep at mwsf that it should be this release, maybe the next one)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
There is half a chance it will have optimization on it (only half rumor - i got it from rep at mwsf that it should be this release, maybe the next one)

Lips sealed, but will say Micromat intends on importing some of the feature set of TechTools Pro Classic (currently 3.0.5) onto the OS X side (either as TTP X or Drive10).

Improvements in the works...

What's so bloody hart about adding optimization? Is it such a difficult task? Or will optimization be released with the TechTool X?

Ed, I thought the Micromat guys told you the next Drive 10 update would feature optimization???

If I'd were you, I'd email them and ask them why they lie to customers...
ulrik - i will give them one more update before i file a bitch rant. the guy said it should be in this one or possibly in the one after it. so i will give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are perfecting it before we see it. I am sure it must take micromat a little bit longer than norton to do things since they don't let everybody and his brother beta test and screw up their systems with beta repairs;)
Originally posted by ulrik
Ed, I thought the Micromat guys told you the next Drive 10 update would feature optimization???

Patience, my good man... optimization IS on the way (in the works now).

Soon ...