Mini mac display - is this possible?

Ceroc Addict

Something I would personally have a use for and think is a great idea (but don't know if it's possible):

A tiny screen + thumbpad for the Mac mini

(Think of something with a similar form factor to the Nokia 6820).

It would connect to the Mac mini via 802.11g (or some kind of fast wireless connection) -
  • Display update info would be sent to the device
  • The device would send user input (thumbpad + touch pad (?) entry) to the Mac mini
So basically, you could be lying in bed or sitting in front of the TV and working on a text document, browsing the internet, etc. on your Mac mini.

If they actually do get a Mac mini into a car (as mentioned in another post on this board), such a device would be great for controlling it.

A tiny subset of this can already be done with Salling clicker (e.g. you can control iTunes via BT), but the display info would make it much more useful.

so kind of a wireless tablet interface to the macmini sitting on a desk somewhere nearby? cool idea.

amazing the ideas and innovations already being dreamt-up from this one Apple product that's not even available to the public yet.

Go Apple.
If you don't want it wireless, there may be solutions available.

If you want it wireless.... use an iBook :)

Indeed there is a problem for a wireless computer screen: bandwidth. A computer screen uses a much wider bandwidth than a TV. Maybe with MPEG-4 the compaction will be fast enough... but then you need an MPEG-4 decompressor... so why not a complete iBook ?
The extension cord might get in the way, however.

Remember — the Mac mini is light and portable, but it still needs constant power from the wall. It doesn't have a battery because it's a desktop computer, and not meant to be moved around THAT much.

It's a cool idea, though... it could be like a very large, expensive Nintendo DS.
Hmm... I guess it wouldn't really have to be wireless, in which case such a device should be trivial to make.

One wire could go from the device and split into two connectors (monitor and USB2.0) to connect to the Mac - similar to the cord that connects PowerMacs to Cinema displays.

Monitor connection to send the Mac display to the device.

USB2.0 to get thumb pad/touch pad input and power the device.
