Misspelling On Services Page

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Tech-Bot 5000
Hey, señor moderator. There's a spelling error on the "Services" page:

"Welcome to our ever expanding community. We launched the day the first beta of Mac OS X was released to the public and have been serving the Macintosh community ever s e n s e."


Good catch, Natobasso.

blue&whiteman said:
this is not a spelling B or english class, its a mac forum. should be informal and errors should be ignored.

False. Even regular members (as opposed to moderators/administrators) make an effort to keep their messages as readable as possible; you've seen those Edited by xxxxx on yyyyy, no?

This is not to say that we should point the finger at the person responsible for the mistake. All that has to be done is... fix it. Nothing less, nothing more. No biggie.
Tis not I whom is making a big fuss, sir (JetwingX). Just trying to be helpful and courteous.

I do believe macosx.com is becoming a bit draconian in its ways. Take a big ol chill pill, folks. :)
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